Miljöekonomi - pågående projekt
Här nedan finns pågående projekt inom gruppen "Miljöekonomi".
RESIPATH (Responses of European forests and society to invasive pathogens)
This project will focus on selected tree species currently threatened by different invasive pathogens.
Project NutriTrade promotes cost-effective, cross-border and cross-sector nutrient reduction measures in the Baltic Sea basin. The project, first of its kind in Europe, will pilot a platform for voluntary nutrient trading, nutrient offsets and joint implementation of nutrient reduction targets in Baltic Sea area.
Economic instruments and consumption
The project has three objectives: to build a macroeconomic model of the economy to help us understand and predict patterns of energy and resource use; to perform microeconomic studies of patterns of demand for individual goods; and to investigate the importance of consumption externalities in determining labour supply.
GO4BALTIC will examine coherence between the international marine policy governing the Baltic Sea and national environmental policies in the Baltic Sea countries, including aquatic, agricultural and climate mitigation policies. The aim of the project is to identify how these policies can be reformed at international and national levels to provide coherence and synergies.
Carnivore costs - damage compensation and prevention
Swedish carnivore conservation schemes are strongly questioned by those who bear the costs including, e.g., costs to farmers for killed, injured, and stressed domestic animals; costs to hunters for reduced game populations; and costs to landowners due to reduced hunting lease prices. The purpose of this project is to calculate costs to society of free ranging carnivores in Sweden, and to evaluate the efficient use of policy instruments for damage compensation and prevention.
Alternative regimes for joint management of large herbivores
In this project, we apply a systems perspective on co-management of large herbivores in Sweden. The project will contribute to solving conflicting interests of hunters and land owners, e.g. through increased knowledge about the role of species interaction, hunting strategies and adaptation measures to meet requirements for reduced deer damage on agricultural and forest crops.
BaltCoast (A system approach framework for coastal research and management in the Baltic)
The overall purpose of this project is to investigate the impact of process and output oriented decision tools for improved coastal management at the local, national and Baltic Sea scale. The interdisciplinary consortium consists of scholars from most Baltic Sea riparian countries; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. The economic analysis is mainly focused on management of eutrophication, which creates oxygen depletion, increases the frequency of harmful algal blooms, and changes the composition of fish species at the disadvantage of commercial species in coastal and marine waters. We examine the long term cost effective nutrient management which includes the design of nutrient trading schemes and mussel farming as a possible abatement measure.
DESTRESS (DisEntangling the impacts of multiple Stressors on stream ecosystems)
Running water ecosystems are key providers of ecosystem services, but are often heavily impacted by multiple stressors, such as elevated organic and inorganic pollution, hydromorphological modification, sedimentation, and invasive species. Presently, the scientific understanding of these interactions and their impacts is very limited. As a result, management of multiple stressors in running waters is often ineffective, fixing only part of the problem, or targeting the wrong stressor completely. DESTRESS is a cross-disciplinary project which tackles the multiple stressor problem by integrating novel experiments and intensive analysis of existing data within an explicit socio-economic context. DESTRESS will develop methods for detecting and diagnosing impacts, investigate mechanisms underlying multiple-stressor impacts, and develop decision support tools, including models for cost-effective management of multiple stressors in relation to environmental goals and ecosystem services.
EKOLIV (Ekologiska och ekonomiska strategier för optimering av vattenkraftsrelaterade miljöåtgärder)
Sverige skall uppfylla förnybarhetsdirektivet kopplat till vattenkraft och samtidigt uppfylla de svenska miljömålen såsom levande sjöar och vattendrag och ett rikt växt- och djurliv, samt EU-direktiven kopplade till inlandsvatten; ramdirektivet för vatten och art och habitatdirektivet. EKOLIV är ett tvärvetenskapligt projekt där målen är: (1) sammanställa befintlig information om ekologiska och samhällsekonomiska effekter av genomförda miljöåtgärder kopplade till vattenkraft, 2) analysera ekologiska och samhällsekonomiska effekter av redan genomförda miljöåtgärder, t.ex. i form av biotopvård, lokalt miljöanpassat flöde och kontinuitetsförbättringar. (3) sprida resultaten från EKOLIV.
FUNGI (The roles of fungal diversity, forest management and their interactions - analysis and valuation effects on Ecosystem Services)
The role of biodiversity in the stability, function and resilience of forest ecosystems is heavily debated and relationships between different parameters remain unclear. This interdisciplinary project integrates mycology, natural resource economics and forestry in order to evaluate interactions between fungal diversity and forest management and aims to provide i) general models of such relationships and ii) management and policy recommendations accounting for several biodiversity values.
Effects of climate tax on food including recycling of the income
Current food system is an important source of green house gas (GHG) emissions. In Sweden, 20% of total GHG emissions originate from food contributes 20% of total emissions. There exists a wide range of policy approaches to foster a more sustainable food consumption spanning from awareness-raising and education, restrictive legislation and economic incentives including taxation and subsidies. This interdisciplinary project examines the effects of a climate tax on food consumption in Sweden, which includes effects on GHG emissions, distributional effects on different households and the potential of recycling incomes from the tax to the farmers.
EXTREAM (Exotic invaders in Swedish stream ecosystems: evaluation of their ecological and economic effects)
EXTREAM aims to understand how non-indigenous species (NIS) and other global change factors jointly affect the magnitude and stability of multiple ecosystem services in streams in Sweden, and to use this information in developing economic valuation of NIS and in identification of efficient management policies.
UNISECO är ett europeiskt forskningsprojekt som syftar till att utveckla innovativa metoder för att förbättra förståelsen av socioekonomiska och politiska faktorer som påverkar vidareutveckling och implementering av agroekologiska metoder inom EU:s jordbrukssystem.
Hållbar konsumtion: från nisch till mainstream
Ett forskningsprogram som syftar till att stimulera en övergång till mer hållbar konsumtion i Sverige . Målet är att bidra till omställning genom ökad kunskap om hur hållbar konsumtion som idagpraktiseras av ett fåtal kan skalas upp och bli mer vanliga. Fokus är på områdena mat, semester och heminredning.
To buy or not to buy. Efterfrågan för fordon och politik för en hållbar transportsektor
Syftet med projektet är att undersöka vilka politiska instrument som är lämpliga för att uppnå en övergång till nollutsläpp från privata fordon, med särskild fokus på det bästa sättet att påverka hushållens val när det gäller fordonsköp.