Programme BUB-meeting 2022

Senast ändrad: 01 augusti 2023
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Welcome to BUB-meeting 21 oktober 2022!

21 October 9.00-12.00 Alnarp, SLU – and on Zoom

Theme: Youth

Attendance is free and open for everyone, both for the event on the place and for the event on zoom. If you plan to attend, send an e-mail to or



09:00 Welcome

Mark Wales and Amanda Gabriel


09:15 The Quality of Adolescent Outdoor Life

Mark Wales, PhD student SLU Alnarp


09:40 Youth perspectives on use, value and benefits of the city’s blue-green infrastructure

Frederik Aagaard Hagemann, PhD student SLU Alnarp


10:05 Coffee and mingle (with breakout rooms on Zoom?)


10:20 An Evidence-based Decision Support Tool to Assist with the Involvement and Participation of Children and Youth in Spatial Planning 

Johanna Männikkö, Södertörn University


10:45 Project Gatulabba

Gretha Jern Isacsson and Liza Olander Wihlney , Växtverket Malmö


11:05 Discussion in groups: how do we create youth-friendly environments?


11:40 Final reflections


12:00 Lunch