Science Communication Fundamentals

Senast ändrad: 31 mars 2023

‘Science is not finished until it’s communicated. The communication to wider audiences is part of the job of being a scientist, and so how you communicate is absolutely vital’ – UK Chief Scientist Sir Mark Walport.

WHAT is science communication

Science communication is an umbrella term for the practice of informing and inspiring the public about scientific knowledge - documentaries, books, and podcasts, mass media journalism and public talks, social media posts, cartoons and newsletters, and universities themselves are playing an increasingly large role with digital magazines and science-themed marketing and communications.

There are many types of science communicators, from professional scientists and academics to journalists, writers, and marketing and communications teams at universities. They all use their communication skills to bring science to the public.

WHY should we engage in science communication?

  • To address urgent issues
  • To make science more transparent 
  • To educate the public
  • To educate decision makers
  • To inspire the next generation of scientists
  • To inspire local communities 

This is developed in two short videos

Results from an interesting project at American University, Washington DC.:Improving Science Communication with Policymakers