
Senast ändrad: 30 mars 2023

Help with some of the more technical details of communicating your research.

Activating and editing your CV page

The CV page is perhaps the most useful channel/means of communication you have as a researcher - an information hub where you collect all your projects, publications and previous activities.

>> All the information you need to activate and edit your personal CV page

Adding a personal e-mail signature according to SLU standard

Your email signature is a quality stamp that verifies your role at SLU and provides contact information. It is important that it is uniform and recognizable to allow your email to be distinguished from spam.

Simply copy the material below and paste into Signatures in Outlook, and edit it accordingly.

You can read more about this on the SLU Staff website 



Forename Surname
Academic Title

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

PO Box 1234, SE-123 45 CITY
Visiting address: Examplestreet 1
Phone: +46 123-45 67 89, Mobile: +46 70-123 45 67,



Creating and updating your project web pages

A project page on the web can be a good platform and tool for communication about your research project. 

What benefits can you, as a researcher, get from a project page?

  • Link to it in your email footer to show colleagues what you are working on right now
  • Link to it in internal and external event invitations to create interest
  • Link to it in your social media posts to show the larger context of the posts
  • Link to it in a press release / news article for the readers/reporters who want in-depth information
  • Show experience of research communication in CVs and research applications
  • The project will be searchable on SLU's web and in search engines
  • Leaders and others in your network can easily tell about and refer to your project

Your entire subject area group and division also benefits from a list of project pages that offer an overview of all research carried out within your subject.  

These project pages are generally created by communications officer Anni Hoffrén, as soon as a project has been granted funding. 

The data is collected from the application (popular science summary and asbtract) and as sson as the page is published it can be found in the list of ongoing project under each subject.

It is of course important that this page is correct and updated - publications and presentations should be listed when they are published, to show results.

You send your edits and updates to the communications officer.

Power Point templates and tips

SLU templates for PowerPoint presentations - And instructional videos on how to use them

Before putting together your PowerPoint presentation - have a look at these videos, just to make sure you avoid the most common mistakes 

Writing a pressrelease

The SLU Division of Communication can help you with any kind of contacts with media, including press releases:


Affiliations in your publications

Remember to include the correct affiliation in your publications. This is important to ensure that your publications can be found and linked to SLU and your department in databases and bibliometric analyses such as evaluations and funding allocations.

Learn more about how SLU affiliation should be stated. How you enter SLU affiliation when publishing | External website