Useful sources

Senast ändrad: 30 mars 2023

Collection of links to resources, wisdom and expertise in research communication.

SLU's External Communication Channels

Consider your aim and goal, your target audiences, and then chose the channels that would best suit your purpose. 

SLU's external communication channels - an overview

  1. External web news contact the dhe department's communications officer for help to publish a news article.
  2. Press releases. SLU's Division of Communication can help you with your contacts with the media.
  3. External calendar events, contact the the department's communications officer for help to publish a calendar event.
  4. Knowledge bank articles shown both at the department's and at SLU's website. Read how you go about contributing to the SLU Knowledge bank.
  5. Wikipedia. There is much to gain by disseminating knowledge where everyone already looks for information. The research from SLU will be visible and Wikipedia will become an improved source of information.
  6. Social media List of all SLU accounts on social media platforms (the page is in Swedish).
  7. Blog account at SLULink to the SLU Blog Portal.
  8. Newsletters. For specific target groups. SLU has an Ungapped licence. Contact the department's communication officers for further information.
  9. External events, fairs etc. (link to the SLU event calendar). Further informatin (Page in Swedish)

How to pitch your research

Finding a way to explain your research in a short and easy-to-understand way is very useful in many situations. I also helps you to take control of how your research is presented in various media.

Links to some resourceful videos on how to create a research pitch.

An article (in Swedish) on pitching your research:

Anders Sahlman, Researchers' Grand Prix organised by Vetenskap och Allmänhet, shares tips on how to think about your presentation. The videos are in Swedish but with English subtitles available: Så gör du din presentation! - Forskar Grand Prix

Public and Science portal (Vetenskap och allmänhet)

(Vetenskap och allmänhet in Swedish) is an independent Swedish non-profit membership organisation, a knowledge node and partner, promoting dialogue and openness between the public and researchers.


All SLU's templates

Five levels of Science Communication

Playlist of scientists explaining one concept in their research, on five levels of increasing complexity - to a 5-year old, a 13-years old, a college student, a grad student within the subject, and to an expert.

EU Guide to Science Communications

Some tips on how to get the media interested: tell stories people can relate to, find the right timing, use visuals and understand how the media work:

RETHINK Science communication

RETHINK Science communication (Europe project on science communication)

The RETHINK project aspires to rethink science communication, both its theory and practice, to accommodate the major challenges to the individual and collective process of making sense about science. A guiding principle of RETHINK is that the contextual knowledge of citizens across the EU should play a vital role in shaping future scientific and technological developments and the sharing of this knowledge should be facilitated.


Article in Curie on three important recommendations from RETHINK (in Swedish):

Hey Scientists, Be More Like TED

What if scientists and the public could understand each other?

Nadja Oertelt (TEDMED 2017):

The benefits of using comedy to explain science

Kasha Patel (TEDx 2018):

Talk nerdy to me

Melissa Marshall (TEDGlobal 2012):