
Senast ändrad: 18 juli 2016


Nordli K and Rogstad M. 2016. Be aware of the big bad wolf: Intra-guild interactions influence wolverine behavior at wolf kills. Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Hedmark University College. 47 p.

Sanz Pérez A. 2016. Is there no place like home? Natal habitat-biased dispersal in the Scandinavian wolf. Master Thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Hedmark University College. 36 p.

Teräväinen M. 2016. Short term effects of capture on movements in free-ranging wolves (Canis lupus) in Scandianvia. Master Thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Hedmark University College. 39 p.

van Beeck Calkoen S. 2016. Moose (Alces alces) browsing patterns in recently planted clearcut areas in relation to predation risk of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in Sweden. Master Thesis, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 31 p.



Demski M. 2015. Kill or scavenge – the use of alternative food sources in Scandinavian wolves. Master Thesis, Biology Education Centre, Uppsala University, and Department of Ecology, SLU. 26 p. 

Romairone J. 2015. Habitat characteristics between different clusters of wolf (Canis lupus) activity before and after brown bear (Ursus arctos) emergence in Central Sweden. Master Thesis, Pablo Olavide University, Doñana Biological Station, Spanish Council for Scientific Research CSIC, Seville, Spain. 35 p.



Fuchs B. 2014. Sarcoptic mange in the Scandinavian wolf populationMaster thesis in applied ecology, Evenstad, Høgskolen i Hedmark. 28 p.

Hansson J. 2014. Does the wolf (Canis lupus) affect presence of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Sweden? Bachelor Thesis, Halmstad University. 20 p. 

Prima M-C. 2014. Moose group-size: a sex-specific strategy when faced with wolf predation risk. Master Thesis, Ecology, Biodiversity, Evolution - Theoretical Ecology and Modelling, France. 32 p. 

Rostan C. 2014. Moose calving strategies in response to wolf re-colonization in Sweden. Master’s Degree “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” Perpignan Via Domitia University, France.



Colombo M. 2013. Determinants of winter kill rates of wolves in Scandinavia. Master´s Thesis Biology 2013: 16. Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, SLU. 28 p.

Mallwitz D. 2013. Predator evasion: the behavioral response of moose to a wolf-like predatorMaster Thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Hedmark University College.



Balogh G. 2012. Mobility and space use of moose in relation to spatial and temporal exposure to wolves. Master Thesis 2012: 6. Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 29 p.

Eklund A. 2012. Prey choice of Scandinavian wolves in winter - effects of prey density and composition on patterns of prey switching and optimal foraging. Master Thesis, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences, Hedmark University College.

Milleret C. 2012. Is moose (Alces alces) habitat selection affected by wolf (Canis lupus) re-establishment in south-central Sweden? Universite´ Joseph Fourier, France. 44 p.

Sholten J. 2012. Comparing behavior and species diversity of scavengers between two areas with different density of brown bears. Research report. University of Applied Sciences HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands. 27 p.

Baronnat L. 2012. Selection of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) by predators during winter. A comparison between wolf (Canis lupus), lynx (Lynx lynx) and human predation. Master “Ecological Engineering and Biodiversity Management” University of Montpellier II, France. 41 p.



Milleret C. 2011. Estimating wolves (Canis lupus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) interactions in central Sweden. Does the emergence of brown bears affect wolf predation patterns? Universite´ Joseph Fourier, France. 40 p.

Nonaka Y. 2011. Response of breeding wolves to human disturbance on den sites – an experiment. Project Work 30 hp, Biology Education Centre, Uppsala University and Grimsö forskningsstation, SLU. 25 p.



Hedlund AE. 2010. Wolf movement patterns and the distribution of moose kills: implications for human harvest? Master´s Thesis Biology 2010: 17. Department of Ecology, SLU. 26 p.

Taylor L. 2010. The influences of roads on wolf movement on the Scandinavian peninsula in summer. Master thesis, Hedmark University, Faculty of Wildlife Management and Forestry, Evenstad.

Wierda N. 2010. Parental care and movement patterns of wolves (Canis lupus) during summer. Bachelor thesis, Hedmark University, Faculty of Wildlife Management and Forestry, Evenstad.



Glorvigen P. 2008. The relative effect of intraguild predation and carcass availability on red fox (Vulpes vulpes) abundance by a re-colonizing wolf (Canis lupus) population. Master thesis in applied ecology, Evenstad, Høgskolen i Hedmark. 27 p.



Backeryd J. 2007. Wolf attacks on dogs in Scandinavia 1995-2005. Will wolves in Scandinavia go extinct if dog owners are allowed to kill a wolf attacking a dog? Examensarbete nr 175 i Naturvårdsbiologi, SLU.

Fritzon L. 2007. Vulnerability of moose (Alces alces) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) to wolf (Canis lupus) predation in Scandinavia – does habitat matter? Final Thesis 07/1768, Institutionen för Fysik, Kemi och Biologi, Linköpings Universitet.



Alfredéen A-C. 2006. Denning behaviour and movement pattern during summer of wolves Canis lupus on the Scandinavian Peninsula. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Nr. 164 Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi, Grimsö forskningsstation, SLU. 36 p.

Bernelind T. 2006. Winter prey selection of moose (Alces alces) by Scandinavian wolves (Canis lupus). Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Nr. 163, Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi. Grimsö forskningsstation, SLU. 28 p.

Eriksen A. 2006. Temporal and spatial activity patterns of predator and prey – Wolf and moose in south-eastern Norway. M. Sc. Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. 41 pp.

Hamre O. 2006. Spatial and temporal use of forest roads by wolves in Scandinavia during summer. Master of Science thesis, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø.

Knappwost U. 2006. Das nahrungsspektrum des wolfes (Canis lupus) in Schweden im territorialen vergleich. Diploma Thesis. School of Forest Science and Resource Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Knappwost U. 2006. Territorial variation in the wolves’ diet? - A comparison of 11 territories in Sweden (English summary of the Diploma Thesis “Das nahrungsspektrum des wolfes (Canis lupus) in Schweden im territorialen vergleich“.School of Forest Science and Resource Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany. 19 p.

Müller S. 2006. Diet composition of wolves (Canis lupus) on the Scandinavian peninsula determined by scat analysis. English summary of German Diploma Thesis. School of Forest Science and Resource Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany. 36 p.

Müller S. 2006. Saisonale variation im nahrungsspektrum des wolfes in Skandinavien. Oder: Was ist wirklich drin im wolfskot? Diploma Thesis. School of Forest Science and Resource Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Wikenros C. 2006. The role of large carnivores in trophic cascades. Introductory Research Essay No. 27. Department of Conservation Biology, SLU. 21 p.



Jarnæs IG. 2005. Bevegelsesmønster hos radiomerket ulv i Østfold, 2000-2001. Hovedfagsoppgave ved Universitet i Oslo. 60 pp.

Windsor H. 2005. Interaction and competition between two large carnivores: the grey wolf (Canis lupus) and the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). University of Reading, U.K.



Johansson Ö. 2004. Summer predation patterns of the Scandinavian wolf. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Inst. för naturvårdsbiologi, SLU. 30 p.

Westby A. 2004. Wolf predation and habitat use in relation to moose density during winter. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi. SLU. 27 p.



Eriksson T. 2003. Winter activity patterns and behaviour during handling time in the re-establishing wolf population on the Scandinavian peninsula. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi. SLU. 32 p.

Olsen ML. 2003. Causes of mortality of free-ranging Scandinavian gray wolves 1977-2003. Project Paper. Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Department of Arctic Veterinary Medicine, Tromsø. 30 p.

Palmqvist S. 2003. Territory size, activity and distance travelled by reproducing and non-reproducing wolves during summer in Scandinavia. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi, SLU. 26 p.

Wam HK. 2003. Wolf behaviour towards people – the outcome of 125 monitored encounters. (Ulv og menneske - utfallet av 125 framprovoserte møter). Cand. Scient. Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås. 42 p.



Johansson K. 2002. Wolf territories in Scandinavia; sizes, variability and their relation to prey density. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi, SLU. 29.

Gustavsen CR. 2002. Intensivstudie av radiomerket ulv i Østfold mai 2000 - oktober 2001. Områdebruk og forflytningsmønster gjennom året. Hovedoppgave ved Norges Landbrukshøgskole, 57 p.

Jarstadmarken S, og Dragland T. 2002. Stasjonære ulvers arealbruk vinterstid i forhold til bosetting, veger og høyde over havet – en GIS analyse. Hovedprosjekt, Høgskolen i Gjøvik, 47 p.

Larsen FE og Helgason B. 2002. Aktuelle medikamenter brukt til immobilisering av ulv (Canis lupus). Fordypningsoppgave, Norges veterinærhøgskole, Tromsø.



Glende E. 2001. Ulv (Canis lupus) i Østfold effekt på bestanden av elg (Alces alces) og rådyr (Capreolus capreolus). Cand. scient. oppgave. Institutt for Biologi og Naturforvaltning, Norges landbrukshøgskole, Ås.

Palm D. 2001. Prey selection, kill and consumption rates of moose by wolves in central Sweden: comparison to moose population and human harvest. Examensarbete i Naturvårdsbiologi, Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi. SLU. 28 p.

Vold AS. 2001. Intensiv studie av radiomerket ulv i Østfold, vår/sommer/høst 2000. Områdebruk og adferd i forhold til menneskelig aktivitet og husdyrhold. Cand. scient. oppgave. Institutt for Biologi og Naturforvaltning, Norges landbrukshøgskole, Ås. 55 s.

Wam HK. 2001. Norske utmarker som ulvehabitat. En vurdering basert på tilgjengelige byttedyr. Semesteroppgave i Viltforvaltning, Norges Landbrukshøgskole, Ås, 11 s. 

Wikenros C. 2001. Wolf winter predation on moose and roe deer in relation to pack size. Examensarbete i naturvårdsbiologi. Institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi, SLU. 29 p.



Våge J, og Ziener A. 2000. Hematologi og serumbiokjemi hos frittlevende skandinavisk ulv (Canis lupus). Fordypningsoppgave. Norges veterinærhøgskole, Tromsø. 20 s. 

Østreng O-C. 2000. Ulv (Canis lupus) i Akershus og Østfold – sommerdiett og bytterdyrselektivitet. Hovedoppgave ved Norges Landbrukshøgskole, 41 s.