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Chapron G, Wikenros C, Liberg O, Wabakken P, Flagstad Ø, Milleret C, Månsson J, Svensson L, Zimmermann B, Åkesson M, and Sand H. 2016. Estimating wolf (Canis lupus) population size from number of packs and an individual based model. Ecological Modelling 339: 33-44.

de Groot GA, Nowak C, Skrbinšek T, Andersen LW, Aspi J, Fumagalli L, Raquel Godinho R,  Harms V, Jansman HAH, Liberg O, Marucco F, Mysłajek RW, Nowak S, Pilot M, Randi E, Reinhardt I, Śmietana W, Szewczyk M, Taberlet P, Vilà C, and Muñoz-Fuentes V. 2016. Decades of population genetic research reveal the need for harmonization of molecular markers: the grey wolf Canis lupus as a case study. Mammal Review 46: 244-59.

Fuchs B, Zimmermann B, Wabakken P, Bornstein S, Månsson J, Evans AL, Liberg O, Sand H, Kindberg J, Ågren EO, and Jon M. Arnemo JM. 2016. Sarcoptic mange in the Scandinavian wolf Canis lupus population. BMC Veterinary Research 12: 156. 

Kuijper DPJ, Sahlén E, Elmhagen B, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Sand H, Lone K, Cromsigt JPGM. 2016. Paws without claws? Ecological effects of large carnivores in anthropogenic landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20161625.

Sand H, Eklund A, Zimmermann B, Wikenros C, and Wabakken P. 2016. Prey selection of Scandinavian wolves: single large or several small? PLoS ONE 11(12): e0168062.

Sazatornil V, Rodríguez A, Klaczek M, Ahmadi M, Álvares F, Arthur S, Blanco JC, Borg BL, Cluff D, Cortés Y, García EJ, Geffen E, Habib B, Iliopoulos Y, Kaboli M, Krofel M, Llaneza L, Marucco F, Oakleaf JK, Person DK, Potočnik H, Ražen N, Rio-Maior H, Sand H, Unger D, Wabakken P, and López-Bao JV. 2016. The role of human-related risk in breeding site selection by wolves. Biological Conservation 201: 103-110.

Wikenros C, Balogh G, Sand H, Nicholson KL, and Månsson J. 2016. Mobility of moose—comparing the effects of wolf predation risk, reproductive status, and seasonality. Ecology and Evolution 6: 8870-8880.

Åkesson M, Liberg O, Sand H, Wabakken P, Bensch S, and Flagstad Ø. 2016. Genetic rescue in a severely inbred wolf population. Molecular Ecology 25: 4745-4756.



de Groot GA, Nowak C, Skrbinšek T, Andersen LW, Aspi J, Fumagalli L, Raquel Godinho R,  Harms V, Jansman HAH, Liberg O, Marucco F, Mysłajek RW, Nowak S, Pilot M, Randi E, Reinhardt I, Śmietana W, Szewczyk M, Taberlet P, Vilà C, and Muñoz-Fuentes V. 2015. Decades of population genetic research reveal the need for harmonization of molecular markers: the grey wolf Canis lupus as a case study. Mammal Review: Early View.

Frankowiack M, Olsson M, Cluff HD, Evans AL, Hellman L, Månsson J, Arnemo JM, and Hammarström L. 2015. IgA deficiency in wolves from Canada and Scandinavia. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 50: 26-28.

Ordiz A, Milleret C, Kindberg J, Månsson J, Wabakken P, Swenson JE, and Sand H. 2015. Wolves, people,and brown bears influence the expansion of the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia. Ecosphere 6(12): 284.

Wikenros C, Sand H, Bergström R, Liberg O, and Chapron G. 2015. Response of moose hunters to predation following wolf return in Sweden. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119957.

Zimmermann B, Sand H, Wabakken P, Liberg O, and Andreassen H. 2015. Predator-dependent functional response in wolves: From food limitation to surplus killing. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 102-112.



Chapron G, Kaczensky P, Linnell JDC, von Arx M, Huber D, Andrén H, López-Bao JV, Adamec M, Álvares F, Anders O, Balčiauskas L, Balys V, Bedő P, Bego F, Blanco JC, Breitenmoser U, Brøseth H, Bufka L, Bunikyte R, Ciucci P, Dutsov A, Engleder T, Fuxjäger C, Groff C, Holmala K, Hoxha B, Iliopoulos Y, Ionescu O, Jeremić J, Jerina K, Kluth G, Knauer F, Kojola I, Kos I, Krofel M, Kubala J, Kunovac S, Kusak J, Kutal M, Liberg O, Majić A, Männil P, Manz R, Marboutin E, Marucco F, Melovski D, Mersini K, Mertzanis Y, Mysłajek RW, Nowak S, Odden J, Ozolins J, Palomero G, Paunović M, Persson J, Potočnik H, Quenette PY, Rauer G, Reinhardt I, Rigg R, Ryser A, Salvatori V, Skrbinšek T, Stojanov A, Swenson JE, Szemethy L, Trajçe A, Tsingarska-Sedefcheva E, Váňa M, Veeroja R, Wabakken P, Wölfl M, Wölfl S, Zimmermann F, Zlatanova D, and Boitani L. 2014. Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science 346: 1517-1519.

Nicholson KL, Milleret C, Månsson J, and Sand H. 2014. Testing the risk of predation hypothesis: the influence of recolonizing wolves on habitat use by moose. Oecologia 176: 69-80.

Wikenros C, Ståhlberg S, and Sand H. 2014. Feeding under high risk of intraguild predation: vigilance patterns of two medium-sized generalist predators. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 862-870.

Zimmermann B, Nelson L, Wabakken P, Sand H, and Liberg O. 2014. Behavioral responses of wolves to roads: Scale-dependent ambivalence. Behavioral Ecology 25: 1353-1364.



Arnemo J, Evans AL, Ahlqvist P, Segerström P, and Liberg O. 2013. Evaluation of medetomidine-ketamine and atipamezole for reversible anesthesia of free-ranging gray wolves (Canis lupus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49: 403-407.

Axelsson E, Ratnakumar A, Arendt M-L, Maqbool K, Webster MT, Perloski M, Liberg O, Arnemo JA, Hedhammar Å, and Lindblad-Toh K. 2013. The genomic signature of dog domestication reveals adaptation to a starch-rich diet. Nature 495: 360-364.

Frankowiack M, Hellman L, Zhao Y, Arnemo JM, Lin M, Tengvall K, Møller T, Lindblad-Toh K, and Hammarström L. 2013. IgA deficiency in wolves. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 40: 180-184.

Gervasi V, Sand H, Zimmermann B, Mattisson J, Wabakken P, and Linnell JDC. 2013. Decomposing risk: landscape structure and wolf behavior generate different predation patterns in two sympatric ungulates. Ecological Applications 23: 1722-1734.

Jonzén N, Sand H, Wabakken P, Swenson JE, Kindberg J, Liberg O, Chapron G. 2013. Sharing the bounty - Adjusting harvest to predator return in the Scandinavian human–wolf–bear–moose system. Ecological Modelling 265: 140-148.

Mattisson J, Sand H, Wabakken P, Gervasi V, Liberg O, Linnell JDC, Rauset GR, and Pedersen HC. 2013. Home range size variation in a recovering wolf population: evaluating the effect of environmental, demographic, and social factors. Oecologia 173: 813-825.

Wikenros C, Sand H, Ahlqvist P, and Liberg O. 2013. Biomass flow and scavengers use of carcasses after re-colonization of an apex predator. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77373.



Gervasi V, Nilsen EB, Sand H, Panzacchi M, Rauset GR, Pedersen HC, Kindberg J, Wabakken P, Zimmermann B, Odden J, Liberg O, Swenson JE, and Linnell JDC. 2012. Predicting the potential demographic impact of predators on their prey: a comparative analysis of two carnivore-ungulate systems in Scandinavia. Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 443-454.

Liberg O, Aronson Å, Sand H, Wabakken P, Maartmann E, Svensson L, and Åkesson M. 2012. Monitoring of wolves in Scandinavia. Hystrix doi:10.4404/hystrix-23.1-4670.

Liberg O, Chapron G. Wabakken P, Pedersen HC, Hobbs NT, and Sand H. 2012. Shoot, shovel and shut up: cryptic poaching slows restoration of a large carnivore in Europe. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 910-915.

Nilsen EB, Christianson D, Gaillard J-M, Halley D, Linnell JDC, Odden M, Panzacchi M, Toigo C, and Zimmermann B. 2012. Describing food habits and predation: field methods and statistical considerations. In Carnivore ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques (Eds. Boitani L, and Powell RA). Oxford University Press.

Sand H, Vucetich JA, Zimmermann B, Wabakken P, Wikenros C, Pedersen HC, Peterson RO, and Liberg O. 2012. Assessing the influence of prey-predator ratio, prey age structure and packs size on wolf kill rates. Oikos 121: 1454-1463.

Sand H, Wikenros C, Ahlqvist P, Strømseth TH, and Wabakken P. 2012. Comparing body condition of moose selected by wolves and human hunter’s: consequences for the extent of compensatory mortality. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 403-412.



Eriksen A, Wabakken P, Zimmermann B, Andreassen H, Arnemo JM, Gundersen H, Liberg O, Linnell J, Milner JM, Pedersen HC, Sand H, Solberg EJ, and Storaas T. 2011. Activity patterns of predator and prey: a simultaneous study of GPS-collared wolves and moose. Animal Behaviour 81: 423-431.

Månsson J, Andren H, and Sand H. 2011. Can pellet counts be used to accurately describe winter habitat selection by moose Alces alces? European Journal of Wildlife Research 57: 1017-1023.



Björkman C, Jakubek EB, Arnemo JM, and Malmsten J. 2010. Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in gray wolves in Scandinavia. Veterinary Parasitology 173: 139-142.

Karlsson J, and Ö. Johansson 2010. Predictability of repeated carnivore attacks on livestock favours reactive use of mitigation measures. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 166-171.

Liberg O, Aronson Å, Brainerd SM, Karlsson J, Pedersen HC, Sand H, and Wabakken P. 2010. The recolonizing Scandinavian wolf population – research and management in two countries. In Musiani M, Boitani L, and Paquet PC (editors). The world of wolves: new perspectives on ecology, behaviour and management. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. pp 175-205.

Merrill E, Sand H, Zimmermann B, McPhee H, Webb N, Hebblewhite M., Wabakken P, and Frair JL. 2010. Building a mechanistic understanding of predation with GPS-based movement data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 2279-2288.

Wikenros C, Liberg O, Sand H, and Andrén H. 2010. Competition between recolonizing wolves and resident lynx in Sweden. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88: 271-279.



Thoresen SI, Arnemo JM, and Liberg O. 2009. Hematology and serum clinical chemistry reference intervals for free-ranging Scandinavian gray wolves (Canis lupus). Veterinary Clinical Pathology 38: 224-229.

Wikenros C, Sand H, Wabakken P, Liberg O, and Pedersen HC. 2009. Wolf predation on moose and roe deer: chase distances and outcome of encounters. Acta Theriologia 54:207-218.



Brainerd SM, Andrén H, Bangs EE, Bradley E, Fontaine J, Hall Jr WH, Iliopoulos Y, Jiminez M, Jozwiak E, Liberg O, Mack C, Meier T, Niemeyer C, Pedersen HC, Sand H, Schultz RN, Smith DW, Wabakken P, and Wydeven AP. 2008. The effects of breeder loss on wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management 72: 89-98.

Eriksen A, Wabakken P, Zimmermann B, Andreassen HP, Arnemo JM, Gundersen H, Milner JM, Liberg O, Linnell JDC, Pedersen HC, Sand H, Solberg EJ, and Storaas T. 2008. Encounter frequencies between GPS-collared wolves (Canis lupus) and moose (Alces alces) in a Scandinavian wolf territory. Ecological Research 24: 547-557.

Gundersen H, Solberg, EJ, Wabakken P, Storaas T, Zimmermann B, and Andreassen HP. 2008. Three approaches to estimate wolf Canis lupus predation rates on moose Alces alces populations. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54: 335-346.

Ledin A, Arnemo JM, Liberg O, and Hellman L. 2008. High plasma IgE levels within the Scandinavian wolf population, and its implications for mammalian IgE homeostasis. Molecular Immunology 45: 1976-1980.

May R, van Dijk J, Wabakken P, Linnell JDC, Swenson JE, Zimmermann B, Odden J, Pedersen HC, Andersen R, and Landa A. 2008. Habitat differentiation within the large carnivore community of Norway’s multiple-use landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1382-1391.

Rönnegård L, Sand H, Andren H, Månsson J, and Pehrson Å. 2008. Evaluation of four methods used to estimate population density of moose Alces alces. Wildlife Biology 14: 358-371.

Sand H, Wabakken P, Zimmermann B, Johansson O, Pedersen HC, and Liberg O. 2008. Summer kill rates and predation pattern in a wolf–moose system: can we rely on winter estimates? Oecologia 156:53-64.



Karlsson J, Brøseth B, Sand H, and Andrén H. 2007. Predicting occurrence of wolf territories in Scandinavia. Journal of Zoology 272: 276-283.

Karlsson J, Eriksson M, and Liberg O. 2007. At what distance do wolves move away from humans? Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 1193-1197.

Karlsson J, and Sjöström M. 2007. Human attitudes towards wolves, a matter of distance. Biological Conservation 137: 610-616.

Wabakken P, Sand H, Kojola I, Zimmermann B, Arnemo JM, Pedersen HC, and Liberg O. 2007. Multistage, long-range natal dispersal by a global positioning system-collared Scandinavian wolf. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 1631-1634.

Zimmermann B, Wabakken P, Sand H, Pedersen HC, and Liberg O. 2007. Wolf movement patterns: a key to estimation of kill rate? Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 1177-1182.



Arnemo JM, Ahlqvist P, Andersen R, Berntsen F, Ericsson G, Odden J, Brunberg S, Segerström P, Swenson JE. 2006. Risk of capture-related mortality in large free-ranging mammals: Experiences from Scandinavia. Wildlife Biology 12: 109-113.

Bensch S, Andrén H, Hansson B, Pedersen HC, Sand H, Sejberg D, Wabakken P, Åkesson M, and Liberg O. 2006. Selection for heterozygosity gives hope to a wild population of inbred wolves. PLoS ONE 1 (1): e72. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000072.

Sand H, Wikenros C, Wabakken P, and Liberg O. 2006. Cross continental differences in patterns of predation: Will naïve moose in Scandinavia ever learn? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273: 1421-1427.

Sand H, Wikenros C, Wabakken P, and Liberg O. 2006. Effects of hunting group size, snow depth and age on the success of wolves hunting moose Animal Behaviour 72: 781-789.



Liberg O, Andrén H, Pedersen HC, Sand H, Sejberg D, Wabakken P, Åkesson M, and Bensch S. 2005. Severe inbreeding depression in a wild wolf (Canis lupus) population. Biology Letters 1: 17-20.

Linnell JDC, Brøseth H, Solberg EJ, and Brainerd SM. 2005. The origins of the southern Scandinavian wolf Canis lupus population: potential for natural immigration in relation to dispersal distances, geography and Baltic ice. Wildlife Biology 11: 383-391.

Sand H, Zimmermann B, Wabakken P, Andrén H, and Pedersen HC. 2005. Using GPS technology and GIS cluster analyses to estimate kill rates in wolf ungulate ecosystems. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33: 914-925.



Flagstad Ø, Walker CW, Vilá C, Sundqvist AK, Fernholm B, Hufthammer AKWiig ØKoyola IEllegren H. 2003. Two centuries of the Scandinavianwolf population: patterns of genetic variability and migrationduring an era of dramatic decline. Molecular Ecology 12: 869-880.

Linnell JDC, Solberg EJ, Brainerd S, Liberg, O, Sand H, Wabakken P, and Kojola I. 2003. Is the fear of wolves justified? A Fennoscandian perspective. Acta Zoologica Lituanica 13: 34-40.

Vilá C, Sundqvist AK, Flagstad Ø, Seddon J, Björnerfeldt S, Kojola I, Casulli A, Sand H, Wabakken P, and Ellegren H. 2003. Rescue of a severely bottlenecked wolf (Canis lupus) population by a single immigrant. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 270: 91-97.

Vilá C, Walker C, Sundqvist AK, Flagstad Ø, Andersone Z, Casulli A, Kojola I, Valdmann H, Halverson J, and Ellegren H. 2003. Combined use of maternal, paternal and bi-parental genetic markers for the identification of wolf–dog hybrids. Heredity 90: 17-24.

Wam HK and Hjeljord O. 2003. Wolf predation on moose a case study using hunter observations. Alces 39: 263-272.



Wabakken P, Sand H, Liberg O, and Bjärvall A. 2001. The recovery, distribution, and population dynamics of wolves on the Scandinavian peninsula, 1978-1998. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 710-725.

Zimmermann B, Wabakken P, and Dötterer M. 2001. Human-carnivore interactions in Norway: How does the re-appearance of large carnivores affect people’s attitudes and levels of fear? Forest Snow and Landscape Research 76: 137-153.