Bruno Santesson, universitetsadjunkt, +4618672519, +46702501165
Skicka e-post till: bruno.santesson@slu.se
Här listas kvalitetsgranskade publikationer producerade vid avdelningen från 2014 och framåt.
Ode Sang, Å., Butler, A. & Knez, I. (2022). Gender and age differences for perceptual qualities of a forest landscape in relation to dramatic landscape change processes: Implications for connections to place. I: Ilovan, O.A. & Markuszewska, I. (Red.) Preserving and Constructing Place Attachment in Europe. Geojournal Library, 131, Springer Link, ss. 165–182.
Thorpert, P., Butler, E. & Pálsdóttir, A. M. (Red.) (2022). Teaching Synergy Forum: supporting activites for online education 2020–2021. Landskapsarkitektur, trädgård, växtproduktionsvetenskap: rapportserie 2022:5. Alnarp: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Engström, A. & Qviström, M. (2022). Situating the silence of recreation in transit-oriented development. International Planning Studies, 27(4), ss. 411–424.
García Aguilar, M.C., Jaramillo, J. F., Ddiba, D. et al. (2022). Governance challenges and opportunities for implementing resource recovery from organic waste streams in urban areas of Latin America: insights from Chía, Colombia. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, ss. 53–63.
Sidemo Holm, W. et al. (Hedblom, M.) (2022). Urbanization causes biotic homogenization of woodland bird communities at multiple spatial scales. Global Change Biology, 28(21), ss. 6152–6164.
Elbakidze, M. et al. (Hedblom, M.) (2022). Multiple factors shape the interaction of people with urban greenspace: Sweden as a case study. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 74: 127672.
Blicharska, M., Hedblom, M., Josefsson, J. et al. (2022). Operationalisation of ecological compensation – Obstacles and ways forward. Journal of Environmental Management, 304: 114277.
Timmers, R. et al. (Hedblom, M.) (2022). Conservation of birds in fragmented landscapes requires protected areas. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(6), ss. 361–369.
Hedblom, M., Prévot, A.-C. & Gregoire, A. (2022). Science fiction blockbuster movies – A problem or a path to urban greenery? Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 74: 127661.
Lehto, C., Hedblom, M., Öckinger, E. et al. (2022). Landscape usage by recreationists is shaped by availability: insights from a national PPGIS survey in Sweden. Landscape and Urban Planning, 227: 104519.
Xiang, Y., Hedblom, M., Wang, S. et al. (2022). Indicator selection combining audio and visual perception of urban green spaces. Ecological Indicators, 137: 108772.
Mårtensson, F. et al. (Hedblom, M.) (2022). Lekotoper – platser där både barn och natur trivs. Movium Fakta 2022:3.
Johansson, L. (2022). Tid för mörker. Tidskriften STAD, 39, s. 42–45.
Johansson, L. (2022). Torget åter till människan. Tidskriften STAD, 38, ss. 44–45.
Johansson, R. (2022). Trojas murar. Labyrinter under 3000 år, av John Kraft. Recension i: CAERDROIA The Journal of Mazes & Labyrinths, 51, ss. 59–60.
Johansson, R. (2022). Trojas murar. Labyrinter under 3000 år, av John Kraft. Recension i: Nordisk Arkitekturforskning, 2, ss. 183–185.
Johansson, R. (2022). Trojas murar. Labyrinter under 3000 år, av John Kraft. Recension i: Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift, 83, ss. 115–117.
Johansson, R. (2022). Stockholm’s Mazes and Labyrinths. CAERDROIA The Journal of Mazes & Labyrinths, 51, ss. 39–45.
Leposa, N. & Knutsson, P. (2022). Framing Matters for Ontological Politics of the Ocean: Contrasting European Union Policy Framings with Recreationists’ Alternative Experiences of a Living Sea World. Society and Natural Resources, online.
Grabalov, P. & Nordh, H. (2022). The Future of Urban Cemeteries as Public Spaces: Insights from Oslo and Copenhagen. Planning Theory and Practice, 23(1), ss. 81–98.
Nordh, H. & Evensen, K.H. (2022). Landscape Architecture Design and Well-Being-Research Challenges and Opportunities. Sustainability, 14(8): 4522.
Nordh, H., Olafsson Stahl, A. & Kajosaari, A. et al. (2022). Similar spaces, different usage: A comparative study on how residents in the capitals of Finland and Denmark use cemeteries as recreational landscapes. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 73: 127598.
Pries, J. & Qviström, M. (2022). Revisiting the green geographies of welfare planning: an introduction. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 104(3), ss. 185–191.
Qviström, M. (2022). Finding the pulse of the welfare landscape: reframing green space provision in modernist planning. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 104(3), ss. 269–284.
Kylin, M. et al. (Robling, A. & Dahlman, B.) (2022). Inclusive Residential Areas – a report on a fieldtrip to the Netherlands. Landskapsarkitektur, trädgård, växtproduktionsvetenskap: rapportserie 2022:9. Alnarp: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Sanga, E. (2022). Urban places for recreation – beyond dogmatic practices: Case of Manzese Informal settlement Dar es Salaam. Diss. Acta universitatis agriculturae sueciae, 2022:57. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Silva, S. (2022). Brasilia, a Story Seen from the Roadside: narratives of Landscape Transformation and the Technological Sublime. I: Heathcott, J. (Red.) The Routledge Handbook of Infrastructure Design. Routledge.
van Hellemondt, I. et al. (Yigit Turan, B.) (2022). Copy and paste landscapes. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 17(1), ss. 4–5.
van Hellemondt, I. et al. (Yigit Turan, B.) (2022). Home ecologies. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 17(2), ss. 4–5.
Yigit Turan, B. & Ågren, M. (2022). Segregation and Landscape Injustice in the Shadows of White Planning and Green Exceptionalism in Sweden. Urban Matters, May 2022.
Butler, A. et al. (2021). “There will be mushrooms again” – Foraging, landscape and forest fire. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 33:100358.
Xiang, Y. et al. (Hedblom, M.) (2021). The comparisons of on-site and off-site applications in surveys on perception of and preference for urban green spaces: Which approach is more reliable? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 58.
Ledo, P. (2021). A southern perspective: Northern and indigenous influences on the establishment of a hybrid culture of participatory planning, the story of Sacaba. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2021:44, Diss. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Mngumi, L. (2021). Climate change resilience: exploring socio-ecological system resilience for livelihood effects of climate change in peri-urban areas. Diss. No. 2021:15. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Mngumi, L. (2021). Socio-ecological resilience to climate change effects in peri-urban areas: insights from the Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. GeoJournal, 86, ss. 339–355.
Evensen, K. et al. (Nordh, H.) (2021). Developing a place-sensitive tool for park-safety management experiences from green-space managers and female park users in Oslo. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 60.
Nuhu, S. 2021. Rethinking land access governance in Global South Cities: understanding the dynamics and contentions of land access processes and governance mechanisms in peri-urban areas of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae vol. 2021:27. Uppsala: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet.
Vicenzotti, V. & Waterton, E. (2021). Practicing care in a global pandemic. Landscape Research, 46 (1), ss. 1-7.
Ahrland, Å. (2020). Fields, Meadows, and Gardens – an Integral Part of the City: The Example of Södermalm in Stockholm, Sweden. I: Landsteiner, E. & Soens, T. (red.) Farming the City. The Resilience and Decline of Urban Agriculture in European History. Rural History Yearbook 2019. Institut für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes.
Bergquist, D. (2020). Emergiperspektiv på hållbar stadsutveckling. Emergy Scandinavia 2020 – Environmental Accounting. Proceedings from the 2nd Scandinavian Emergy Symposium, 21 February, 2020, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden, ss. 17-20.
Bergquist, D. et al. (2020). The sustainability of living in a ”green” urban district: An emergy perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (14):5661.
Maassen, J. et al. (Bergquist, D.) (2020). Emergy synthesis of food preparation and diets in the ”green” urban district Rosendal, in Uppsala, Sweden. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 8 (1), ss. 55-71.
Calderon, C. & Butler, A. (2020). Politicising the landscape: a theoretical contribution towards the development of participation in landscape planning. Landscape Research, 45 (2), ss. 152-163.
Elwidaa, E. (2020). Rethinking adequate housing for low-income women of the Global South: Reflections on women initiated housing transformations to Masese Women Slum-Upgrading Housing Project, Jinja, Uganda. Diss. No. 2020:28. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Toland, A. et al. (Christ, M.) (2020). Documenting topographic ecologies in Hong Kong: visual methods for hyper-dense and hyper-topographic urban spaces in landscape architecture. Visual Communication, 19 (3), ss. 391-414.
Christ, M. et al. (2020). Magic Lanes: a placemaking approach for laneway spaces in Hong Kong. In: Gibert-Flutre, M. & Imai, H. (Eds.) Asian Alleyways: An Urban Vernacular in Times of Globalization. Amsterdam University Press, ss. 181-210.
Conti, A. (2020). Why Are Designers Not Comfortable in Talking About Their Design Process? Exploration of Students’ Perception of Their Design Experience. in_bo, 11 (5).
Ignatieva, M. et al. (Hedblom, M.) (2020). Pros and cons of transdisciplinary research: A case study of Swedish lawns and their sustainable alternatives. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 56.
Xiu, N. et al. (Ignatieva, M.) (2020). Applying a socio-ecological green network framework to Xi’an City, China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 16, ss. 135-150.
Kågström, M. (2020). Expectations, Hope and despair: professionals’ struggle to navigate multiple planning ideas in public-private collaboration. I: Metzger, J. & Lindblad, J. (red.) Dilemmas of sustainable urban development: A view from practice. Taylor & Francis, ss. 217-230.
Kågström, M., Butler, A. & Dovlén, S. (2020). Välbefinnande och landskap - bortom natur. SLU Framtidens djur, natur och hälsas rapportserie, 7. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Mngumi, L. (2020). Ecosystem services potential for climate change resilience in peri-urban areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 16, ss. 187-198.
Nordin, K. et al. (2020). Listen to the Kids in Participatory Urban Planning. Healthy Urban Childhoods: Conclusions from Workshops 8–9 October 2019 Uppsala Castle, Sweden, ss. 14-18.
Nuhu, S. et al. (2020). Regulatory framework and natural gas activities: A curse or boon to host communities in Southern Tanzania? The Extractive industries and society, 7 (3), ss. 982-993.
Pries, J. (2020). Neoliberal Urban Planning Through Social Government: Notes on the Demographic Re-engineering of Malmö. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44 (2), ss. 248-265.
Qviström, M. et al. (2020). Differentiating the time-geography of recreational running. Mobilities, 15 (4), ss. 575-587.
Qviström, M. & Pries, J. (2020). Välfärdens landskap i förtätningens tidevarv. Tidningen Utemiljö, 5, ss. 1-8.
Qviström, M. & Wästfelt, A. (2020). In search of the landscape theory of Torsten Hägerstrand. Landscape Research, 45 (6), ss. 683-686.
Jansson, M. et al.(Qviström, M.) (2020). User-oriented urban open space governance and management. I: Jansson, M. & Randrup, T.B. (red.) Urban open space governance and management. Routledge, ss. 68-92.
Hagbert, P. et al. (Wangel, J.) (2020). Exploring the Potential for Just Urban Transformations in Light of Eco-Modernist Imaginaries of Sustainability. Urban planning, 5 (4), ss. 204-216.
Aguiar Borges, L. et al. (Wangel, J.) (2020). Reviewing Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools through Critical Heritage Studies. Sustainability, 12 (4).
Lind, J. et al. (Wangel, J.) (2020). Developing Citylab Post-Construction-A Swedish Certification System to Evaluate the Sustainability of Urban Areas. Sustainability, 12 (11).
Arnaldi, S. et al. (Wangel, J.) (2020). Wisdom, Responsibility and Futures: Introduction to Wise Futures N.0. Futures, 118.
Butler, A. & Sarlöv-Herlin, L. (2019). Changing landscape identity—practice, plurality, and power. Landscape Research, 44 (3), ss. 271-277.
Butler, A., Knez, I., Åkerskog, A., Sarlöv Herlin, I., Ode Sang, Å. & Ångman, E. (2019). Foraging for identity: The relationships between landscape activities and landscape identity after catastrophic landscape change. Landscape Research, 44 (3), ss. 303-319.
Bergquist, D., Hempel, C. A. & Lööf Green, J. (2019). Bridging the gap between theory and design: A proposal for regenerative campus development at the Swedish university of agricultural sciences. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (3), ss. 548-567.
Nedergard Nielsen, H., Bjorn Aaen, S., Lyhne, I. & Cashmore, M. (2019). Confronting institutional boundaries to public participation: A case of the Danish energy sector. European Planning Studies, 27 (4), ss. 722-738.
Kågström, M. (2019). Så mycket upplevelse med så enkla medel! SLU Framtidens djur, natur och hälsas rapportserie nr 2, Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Kågström, M. (2019). Bortom invanda förväntningar. I: Brechensbauer, A., Grafström, M., Jonsson, A. & Klintman, M. (Red.) Kampen om kunskap: Akademi och praktik. Santérus Förlag.
Kågström, M. & Dovlén, S. (2019). Barriers and Openings for Transforming Swedish Planning Practice – Examples of Landscape and Health Policy Integration. Planning Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2019.1653958.
Kågström, M. (2019). A social scientist's reflection on EIA implementation of methods for threatened species. Animal Conservation, 22(4), ss. 326-327. https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12521.
Kågström, M. & Brorström, S. (2019). Strävan efter att göra bättre, men inte veta hur - en studie om hållbarhetssamordnares vardag och praktik. I: Hellström., B. & Daram, L. (Red.) Stadsutveckling & design för motstridiga önskemål. En bok om nödvändigheten av förändring i tanke och handling för sociala hållbarhetsprocesser. Arkus skrift nr 77, Arkus förlag.
Isaksson, S. & Kågström, M. (2019). Vadå påverka? Om berättelser från Vårberg. I: Hellström., B. & Daram, L. (Red.) Stadsutveckling & design för motstridiga önskemål. En bok om nödvändigheten av förändring i tanke och handling för sociala hållbarhetsprocesser. Arkus skrift nr 77, Arkus förlag.
Merrill, S. & Pries, J. (2019). Translocalising and Relocalising Antifascist Struggles: From #KampaShowan to #KampaMalmo. Antipode, 51 (1), ss. 248-270
Qviström, M., Luka, N. & de Block, G. (2019). Beyond Circular Thinking: Geographies of Transit-Oriented Development. International. Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 43 (4), ss. 786-793.
Qviström, M. (2019). Peri-urban landscape studies. I: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E. & Atha, M. (red.) The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, ss. 523-533.
Höfer, V. & Vicenzotti, V. (2019). Post-industrial landscapes. I: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E. & Atha, M. (red.) The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, ss. 499-510.
Vicenzotti, V. (2019). On the concept of landscape in landscape urbanism. I: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E. & Atha, M. (red.) The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, ss. 565-575.
Lind, J., Malmqvist, T. & Wangel, J. (2019). Key Considerations When Designing Certification Systems for Urban Sustainability and Implications for The Swedish Post-Construction System Citylab. Sustainability, 11 (9): 2673.
Yang, F., Ignatieva, M., Larsson, A., Xiu, N. & Shuoxin, Z. (2019). Historical Development and Practices of Lawns in China. Environment and History, 25 (1), ss. 23-54.
Yang, F., Ignatieva, M., Wissman, J., Ahrné, K., Shuoxin, Z. & Zhu, S. (2019). Relationships between multi-scale factors, plant and pollinator diversity, and composition of park lawns and other herbaceous vegetation in a fast growing megacity of China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 185, ss. 117-126.
Ahrland, Å. (2018). Imagery of Birds of Prey and Falconry in the High and Late Middle Ages (1150–1500) in the Nordic Countries: Reflections of actual hunting practices or symbols of power? I: Gersmann, K.-H. & Grimm, O. (red.) Raptor and Human: Falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale. Kiel: Wachholtz, Murmann Publishers.
Berg, P. & Granvik, M. (2018). Funktionell Täthet: Att balansera täthet och rymlighet i svenska städer. I: Olshammar, G., Olsson, K. & Siesjö, B. Hus mot himlen hållbar hybris? Malmö: Bokförlaget Arena.
Bergquist, D. & Hedfors, P. (2018). Design Criteria for Regenerative Systems Landscapes. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 30 (3), ss. 107–134.
Butler, A. (2018). Landscape assessment as conflict and consesus. I: Egoz, S., Jørgensen, K. & Ruggeri, D. (red.) Defining Landscape Democracy: A Path to Spatial Justice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgard Publishing, ss. 85–95.
Chmielewski, T., Butler, A., Kułak, A. & Chmielewski, S. (2018). Landscape’s Physiognomic Structure: Conceptual development and practical applications. Landscape Research, 43 (3), ss. 410–427.
Knez, I., Butler, A., Ode Sang, Å., Ångman, E., Sarlöv-Herlin, I. & Åkerskog A. (2018). Before and After a Natural Disaster: Disruption in emotion component of place-identity and wellbeing. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 55, ss. 11–17.
Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Ångman, E., Ode Sang, Å. & Åkerskog, A. (2018). Landscape Identity, Before and After a Forest Fire. Landscape Research, 43 (6), ss. 878–889.
Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Butler, A., Sang, Å., Ångman, E. & Åkerskog, A. (2018). Landskapet som gick upp i rök. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet; Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle.
Conti, A. (2018). Design as Democracy: Techniques for collective creativity, av de la Pena, D., Jones Allen, D., Hester, R. T., Hou, J., Lawson, L. J. & McNally, M. J. (Eds.) Recenserad i Landscape Research, 43 (5), ss. 749–750.
Nikodinoska, N., Paletto, A., Pastorella, F., Granvik, M. & Franzese, P. P. (2018). Assessing, Valuing and Mapping Ecosystem Services at City Level: The case of Uppsala (Sweden). Ecological Modelling, 368, ss. 411–424.
Ignatieva, M. & Hedblom, M. (2018). An Alternative Urban Green Carpet: How can we move to sustainable lawns in a time of climate change? Science, 362 (6411), ss. 148–149.
Ignatieva, M., Florgård, C. & Lundin, K. (2018). Lawns in Sweden: History and etymological roots, European parallels and future alternative pathways. Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift, 75, ss. 26–47.
Ignatieva, M. (2018). Biodiversity Friendly Designs in Cities and Towns: Towards a global biodiversinesque style. I: Ossola, A. & Niemela, J. (red.) Urban Biodiversity: From research to practice. Francis and Taylor, ss. 216–235.
Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) (2018). Landscape architecture: Towards Sustainable Urban Environments. Conference proceedings from ICON-LA Conference, 6-7 juni, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Polytechnic University Publishing House, 134 ss.
Ignatieva, M., Golosova E., Melnichuk I. & Smertin, V. (2018). Development of Biophilic Cities in Russia: From ideal scientific town and Ecopolis to the green strategy of the modern megapolis. IFLA World Congress Singapore proceedings, ss. 79–89.
Isaksson, S. & Kågström, M. (2018). Vad innebär det att påverka? Reflektioner om samråd efter möte med kvinnor i Vårberg. Rapport inom forskningsprojektet Decode: Design for conflicting desires.
Robinson T., Meurman, F. & Kågström, M. (2018). Kommunala politikers inställning till jordbruksmark i kommunal planering. Final report, Ecoloop, Stockholm
Bergeå, H., Kågström, M., Löf, A. & Westin, M. (2018). Kännedom om dilemman kan leda till bättre samverkan. Universitetsläraren, November 19.
Qviström, M. (2018). Peri-urban landscape studies. I: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E. & Atha, M. (red.) Routledge companion to landscape studies, 2:a uppl. London & New York: Routledge, ss. 523 - 533.
Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Nordh, J. & Qviström, M. (2018). Landscape Characterisation in Sweden: Landscape in the planning system. I: Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment. London: Routledge, ss. 53–68.
Vicenzotti, V. (2018). On the concept of landscape in landscape urbanism. I: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E. & Atha, M. (red.) Routledge companion to landscape studies, 2:a uppl. London & New York: Routledge, ss. 565–575.
Höfer, W. & Vicenzotti, V. (2018). Post-Industrial Landscapes: Evolving concepts. I: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E. & Atha, M. (red.) Routledge companion to landscape studies, 2:a uppl. London & New York: Routledge, ss. 499–510.
Qviström, M. (2018). Farming Ruins: A landscape study of incremental urbanisation. Landscape research, 43, ss. 575–586.
Qviström, M. (2018). Planera för löpning: Från motionscentraler till stadslandskap. Faktablad (2018:2) Landvetter: Marietorp Förlag AB.
de Block, G. & Vicenzotti, V. (2018).The nature of post-human landscape design. I: Diedrich, L., Friesen, M., Hendriks, M., Lindgren, C. & Moll, C. (red.) Landscape Architecture Europe #5: care/create/act. Wageningen: Blauwdruk, ss. 149-155.
De Block, G. & Vicenzotti, V. (2018). The Effects of Affect: A plea for distance between the human and non-human. Journal on Landscape Architecture, 13 (2), ss. 46–55.
Vicenzotti, V. & Qviström, M. (2018). Zwischenstadt as a Travelling Concept: Towards a critical discussion of mobile ideas in transnational planning discourses on urban sprawl. European Planning Studies, 26, ss. 115–132
Wangel, J., Hesselgren, M., Eriksson, E. & Broms, L. (2018). Revisiting Empowering Energy Futures: Practice-oriented and practice-orienting design. Conference paper at SCORAI 2018, 27–30 juni i Köpenhamn, Danmark.
Hesselgren, M., Eriksson, E., Wangel, J. & Broms, L. (2018). Exploring Lost and Found in Future Images of Energy Transitions: Towards a bridging practice of provoking and affirming design. Conference paper at Design Research Society 2018, Vol 1. ss. 941-954.
Wangel, J. (2018). Prognosen är död. PLAN #4–5, 2018, ss. 89.
Wangel, J. (2018). Hur minskar vi välfärdens fotavtryck? I: Mot en hållbar framtid: Så genomför vi FN:s Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Stockholm: Global Utmaning, ss. 62-67.
Wangel, J. & Gunnarsson-Östling, U. (2018). Jorden har dödlig feber. BANG (2018:1).
Wangel, J., Diedrich, L. & Vogel, N. (2018). Konsten att skapa framtidsbilder. STAD 20.
Yang, F., Ignatieva, M., Larsson, A., Xiu, N. & Zhang, S. (2018). Historical Development and Practices of Lawns in China. Environment and History, 25 (1), ss. 23–54.
Yigit Turan, B. (2018). Geopolitics of Place and Social Justice in Urban Design Studio. Extended conference abstract at Roundtable organised at AESOP Annual Congress, MAKING SPACE FOR HOPE, 10–14 juli, Göteborg.
Yigit Turan, B. (2018). Deciphering Constructed Migrant Subjectivities in Park Design: Towards a politicizing environmental design as cultural practice. Extended conference abstract at Park Politics—International Conference, 7–9 juni 2018 i Wien, Österrike.
Yigit Turan, B. (2018). Landscape theory in design, av Herrington, S. London: Routledge. Recenserad i Landscape Research, 43 (7), ss. 1013–1014.
Yigit Turan, B. (2018). Learning from Occupy Gezi Park: Redefining landscape democracy in an age of ‘planetary urbanism. I: Egoz, S., Jørgensen, K. & Ruggeri, D. (red.) Defining Landscape Democracy: A path to spatial justice. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgard Publishing, ss. 210–221.
Yigit Turan, B. (2018). Revitalizing Yeldeğirmeni Neighbourhood in Istanbul: Towards an emancipatory urban design in the landscapes of neoliberal urbanism. I: Knierbein, S. & Viderman, T. (red.) Public Space Unbound: Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. New York: Routledge, ss: 158–172.
Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Ångman, E., Ode Sang, Å. & Åkerskog, A. (2017). Landscape identity, before and after a forest fire. Landscape Research, 43 (6), ss. 878-889.
Jensen, J., Cashmore, M. & Elle, M. (2017). Reinventing the bicycle: How calculative practices shape urban environmental governance. Environmental Politics, 26 (3), ss. 459-479.
Lyhne, I., van Laerhoven, F., Cashmore, M. & Runhaar, H. (2017). Theorising EIA effectiveness: A contribution based on the Danish system. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, ss. 240-249.
Dovlén, S. & Khakee, A. (2017). Evaluating Integration of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Policy in Swedish Structure Plans: The Performance Approach. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (2): 1750011.
Nikodinoska, N., Pastorella, F., Paletto, A., Granvik, M. & Franzese, P. P. (2017). Assessing, valuing and mapping ecosystem services at city level: The case of Uppsala (Sweden). Ecological Modelling, 368, ss. 411-424.
Granvik, M., Joosse, S., Hunt, A. & Hallberg, I. (2017). Confusion and Misunderstanding: Interpretations and Definitions of Local Food., Sustainability, 9: 1981.
Finne’, M., Holmgren, K., Shen, C.-C., Hu, H.-M., Boyd, M. & Stocker, S. (2017). Late Bronze Age climate change and the destruction of the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor at Pylos. PLoS ONE, 12 (12), e0189447.
Ignatieva, M., Eriksson, F., Eriksson, T., Berg, P. G. & Hedblom, M. (2017). The lawn as a social and cultural phenomenon in Sweden. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 21, ss. 213-223.
Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) (2017). Three pillars of landscape architecture: Design, planning and management. New visions. Conference proceedings. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Publishing House.
Russo A., Ignatieva, M., Cirella, G., Marchesini, L., Krestov, P., Korzhov, E., Kalita, V., Pavlovsky, V. & Escobedo, F. (2017). Biophilia: Nature-based solutions for sustainable cities. I: Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) Three pillars of landscape architecture: Design, planning and management. New visions. Conference proceedings. Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Publishing House, ss. 105-112.
Ignatieva, M. (2017). Alternative lawns. Are we ready to include ‘wild’ nature in landscape design? Architecture, Construction, Design. N03/04(88/89), ss. 62-67.
Ignatieva, M. (2017). Ängslika alternativ till konventionell bruksgräsmatta, MOVIUM fakta, 6.
Ignatieva, M. (2017). Biodiversity-friendly designs in cities and towns: Towards a global biodiversinesque style. I: Ossloa, A. & Niemelä, I. (red.) Urban Biodiversity: From Research to Practice. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, ss. 216-235.
Ignatieva, M. (2017). Alternativ till gräsmatta i Sverige - från teori till praktik. En manual. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 156 ss.
Lindholm, G. (2017). The Implementation of Green Infrastructure: Relating a General Concept to Context and Site. Sustainability, 9 (4): 610.
Tag-Eldeen Nour-Eddine, Z. (2017) Bridging Urban planning knowledge into post-disaster response: Early Recovery Road Map within the International Humanitarian Cluster System. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 24, ss. 399-410.
Wangel, J., Broms, L., Eriksson, E., Hesselgren, M., Kanulf, G. & Ljunggren, A. (2017). Vitiden – en energifiktion. Stockholm: KTH, Green Leap.
Wangel, J. (2017). Den ekocentriska staden, Klimatmagasinet Effekt, 3/2017.
Xiu, N., Ignatieva, M., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C., Chai, Y., Cui, T. & Yang, F. (2017). A socio-ecological perspective of urban green networks: The Stockholm case. Urban Ecosystems, 20 (4), ss. 729-742.
Xiu, N. (2017). Urban green networks: A socio-ecological framework for planning and design of green and blue spaces in Sweden and China. Diss. No. 2017:3. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Yigit-Turan, B. (2017). Decolonizing Landscape Architecture at ‘the Century of the Migrant’, Landscape Futures: Uniscape Conference 2017, Book of Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, University of Copenhagen, s. 73.
Yigit-Turan, B. (2017). Occupy Gezi Park: In search of a public space, democracy and alternative city making. I: Hou, J. & Knierbein, S. (red.) City Unsilenced: Urban Resistance and Public Space in the Age of Shrinking Democracy. New York: Routledge, ss. 83-93.
Berg, P. G., Hedfors, P., Granvik, M., Eriksson, F. & Eriksson, T. (2016) Funktionell Täthet – Utdrag ur den nya FOMA-manualen 2016. Uppsala: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet.
Berg, P. G. (2016). Public Spaces in Functionally Dense cities. Paper presented at the ICON-LA conference in St. Petersburg: Open Urban Space in Landscape Architecture – Searching for New Solutions, 8-9 juni 2016.
Butler, A. (2016). Landscape as a developing discourse: Contested landscape identities in an area affected by forest fire. I: Collins, T. et al. (red.) Landscape values: Place and praxis. Galway: Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI, ss. 52-56.
Butler, A. (2016). Dynamics of integrating landscape values in landscape character assessment: The hidden dominance of the objective outsider. Landscape Research, 41 (2), ss. 239-252.
Calderon, C. & Butler, A. (2016). Towards the development of landscape democracy: A theoretical contribution. I: Collins, T. et al. (red.) Landscape values: Place and praxis. Galway: Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI, ss. 61-65.
Partidario, M. & Cashmore, M. (2016). Strategic environmental assessment research and capacity development agenda. I: Saddler, B. & Dusik, J. (red.) European and international experiences of strategic environmental assessment: Recent progress and future prospects. Routledge, London, ss. 325-346.
Lyhne, I., van Laerhoven, F., Cashmore, M. & Runhaar, H. (2016). Theorising EIA effectiveness: A contribution based on the Danish system. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, ss. 240-249.
Lyhne, I., Cashmore, M., Runhaar, H. & van Laerhoven, F. (2016). Quality Cntrol for Environmental Policy Appraisal Tools: An empirical investigation of relations between quality, quality control and effectiveness. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 18 (1), ss. 121-140.
Dovlén, S. (2016). Landscape values in decision-making: Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in Sweden. I: Collins, T. et al. (red.) Landscape values: Place and praxis. Galway: Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI, ss. 99-103.
Dovlén, S. (2016). A Relational approach to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention in Sweden. Landscape Research, 41 (8), ss. 950-965.
Eriksson, T., Eriksson, F. & Ignatieva, M. (2016). Lawn as a symbol of nature in urban environment: Social benefits of lawns in Sweden, Proceedings from 53rd IFLA Congress, 20-22 april, 2016, Torino, Italien, ss. 183.
Randrup, T., Delshammar, T. & Granvik, M. (red.) (2016). Governance in Green Space Planning. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 28 (3), ss. 1-173.
Ignatieva, M., Eriksson, F., Eriksson, T., Berg, P. & Hedblom, M. (2016). The lawn as a social and cultural phenomenon in Sweden. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 21 (2016), ss. 213-223.
Ignatieva, M. (2016). Urban lawns: Idealised aesthetics of modern open green space. Are we ready for paradigm shift? Are lawns really green? I: Open urban space and landscape architecture: Searching for new solutions. 8-9 juni 2016. Saint-Petersburg, Ryssland. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) (2016). Open urban space and landscape architecture: Searching for new solutions. 8-9 juni 2016. Saint-Petersburg, Ryssland. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Polytechnic University Publishing House, St. Petersburg.
Wissman, J., Ahrné, K., Poeplau, C., Hedblom, M., Marstorp, H., Ignatieva, M. & Kätterer, T. (2016). Multi Functional Golf courses. Report. Popular Scientific Articles - STERF, May 2016.
Kågström, M. (2016). Strengthening the practitioner focus in environmental assessment. Diss. No. 2016:1. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Kågström, M. (2016). Begränsande normer och utrymme för förändring. PLAN: Tidskrift för samhällsplanering, 3, ss. 50-53.
Kågström, M. (2016). Between ‘best’ and ‘good enough’: How consultants guide quality in environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 60, ss. 169-175.
Diedrich, L., Kahn, A. & Lindholm, G. (2016). Beyond Best Practice. Re-valuing mindsets and models in harbour transformation. PORTUSplus the online Journal or RETE, 6 (3), ss. 1-8.
Waern, A., Back, J., Sallnäs Pysander, E.-L., Heefer, C. J. H., Rau, A., Paget, S. & Petterson, L. (2016). DigiFys: The interactive play landscape. ACE’15: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Iskandar, Malaysia — 16 - 19 november 2015. ACM New York, NY, USA. Article 46.
Back, J., Heeffer, C., Paget, S., Rau, A., Sallnäs Pysander, E. L. & Waern, A. (2016). Designing for Children’s Outdoor Play. In: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (ss. 28-38). ACM. Honorable mention.
Xiu, N., Ignatieva, M. & Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C. (2016). The challenges of planning and designing urban green networks in Scandinavian and Chinese cities. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 40 (3), ss. 163-176.
Andersson, T. (2015). Sju reflektioner om täthet. Gröna Fakta - Stadens förtätning, Utemiljö, 2:2015, ss. 2-3.
Andersson, T. (2015). Study of the pond landscape 2009. Journal of Landscape Architecture (JoLA), 3-2015:49.
Berg, P. G., Granvik, M., Eriksson, T. & Hedfors, P. (2015). FOMA-Manualen: Verktyg och Procedurer för att fortlöpande följa upp effekter av förtätning i svenska kommuner. Rapport SLU Landskap, November 2015.
Berg, P. G. (2015). Green and Sustainable Cities: Final Report (Draft) of the Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA) Green and Sustainable Cities Summer School, First Cycle August 10–22, SLU Landscape.
Berg, P. G., Ignatieva, M., Granvik, M., Hedfors, P. & Bergqvist, D. (2015). Resilient Citylands: Green-Blue-Built Transport Systems in Baltic Sea Region Cities. I: Ignatieva, M. & Menzies, D. (red.) Proceedings from IFLA 52nd Congress, St Petersburg 8-13 juni, published peer-review full paper, ss. 406-413.
Berg, P. G., Ignatieva, M., Granvik, M., Hedfors, P. & Bergqvist, D. (2015). 52nd World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architects Congress proceedings, 10–12 juni 2015, Saint-Petersburg, Ryssland, ss. 25-26.
Berg, P. G. (2015). Fungerande täthet i framtidens städer. Gröna Fakta - Stadens förtätning, Utemiljö, 2:2015, ss. 4-5.
Cashmore, M. & Rozema, J. (2015). Greening the State of California: Governmentality and the subjectification of the polity through climate governance. I: Backstrand, K. & Kronsell, A. (red.) Rethinking the Green State: Environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. London: Routledge, ss. 193-208.
Cashmore, M., Richardson, T., Rozema, J. & Lyhne, I. (2015). Environmental governance through guidance: The ‘making up’ of expert practitioners. Geoforum, 62, ss. 84-95.
Åkerskog, A., Dovlén, S. & Khakee, A. (2015). Evaluation of Environmental Policy Integration in Swedish Structure Plans. I: Woltjer, J., Alexander, E., Hull, A. & Ruth, M. (red.) Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management. Surrey: Ashgate, ss. 325-344.
Eriksson, F., Eriksson, T. & Ignatieva, M. (2015). Golf courses as part of urban green infrastructure: social aspects of golf courses and extensively managed turfgrass areas from Nordic perspective. Proceedings from IFLA 52nd Congress, 6-7 juni 2015, St. Petersburg, Ryssland, ss. 474-478.
Granvik, M., Jacobsson, T., Blix-Germundsson, L. & Larsson, A. (2015). The approach of Swedish municipalities to the preservation of agricultural land in a planning context. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 11 (2), ss. 190–204.
Callau, S. & Granvik, M. (2015). I am not an urban farmer: Am I? I: Lohrberg, F., Licka, L., Scazzosi, L. & Timpe, A. (red.) Urban Agriculture Europe. Berlin: jovis Verlag GmbH, ss. 102-115.
Granvik, M. & Larsson, A. (2015). Kommunens arbete med jordbruksmarkens värden – ett stödverktyg. Jordbruksverket.
Granvik, M. & Hedfors, P. (2015). Evergreen Issues of planning? Learning from history for sustainable urban-rural systems landscapes. European Journal of Spatial Development, Research Briefing No. 5.
Ignatieva, M., Ahrné, K., Wissman, J., Eriksson, T., Tidåker, P., Hedblom, M., Kätterer, T., Marstorp, H., Berg, P. G., Ericsson, T. & Bengtsson, J. (2015). Lawn as a cultural and ecological phenomenon: A conceptual framework for transdiscipilinary research. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14, ss. 383-387.
Ignatieva, M., Thorn, N., Golosova E., Berg, P. G., Hedfors, P., Eriksson, T. & Menzies, D. (red.) (2015). History of the Future. Proceedings from IFLA 52nd Congress 49 Full peer-review papers from the Congress in St Petersburg 2015.
Ignatieva, M. (2015). Pavlovsky Park: Music for the Eyes. Conference proceedings Large Parks in Large Cities, 2-4 September 2015, Stockholm.
Bashkirov, A., Shevliakov, S., Petter, B., Irishina, E., Eriksson, T. & Ignatieva, M. (2015). Implementation of Low Impact Design (LID) in Russia. Proceedings from IFLA 52nd Congress, Polytechnic University Publishing House, ss. 22-23.
Ignatieva, M. (2015). Alternativa grönytor - hur man designar för biologisk mångfald i staden. Biodiverse, 2:2015, ss. 20-21.
Ignatieva, M., Melnichuk, I., Cherdantseva, O. & Lukmazova, E. (2015). History and Restoration of the St. Petersburg Summer Garden: Returning to the Roots. Garden History, Vol. 43 (2), ss. 199-217.
Kågström, M. & Richardson, T. (2015). Space for action: How practitioners influence environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 54, ss. 110-118.
Nordin, K. (2015). Att sätta barn på kartan: barnkartor i GIS - för information om barns utemiljö. Diss. No. 2015:116. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Berg, P. G., Eriksson, T., Granvik, M. & Hedfors, P. (2014). Resilient Citylands: Its significance and mechanisms for mitigating global change. I: Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) Restoration, reconstruction and development of cultural, industrial and natural landscapes, International Conference Proceedings from St Petersburg, Ryssland, 10-13 juni 2014, ss. 27-28.
Butler, A. (2014). Developing theory of public involvement in landscape planning: Democratising landscape. Diss. No. 2014:52. Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Butler, A. & Åkerskog, A. (2014). Awareness-raising of landscape in practice. An analysis of Landscape Character Assessments in England. Land Use Policy, 36, ss. 441-449.
Dovlén, S. & Olsson, E. (2014). Nationella, regionala och kommunala aktörer om implementering av den europeiska landskapskonventionen i Sverige. Rapporter - institutionen för stad och land 2/2014, Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Larsson, A. & Granvik, M. (2014). Mitigating Urban Sprawl and Safeguarding Food Production: Problems and Possibilities. Landscape - a place of cultivation, ECLAS Conference, Porto, 21-24 september 2014, ss. 183-186.
Granvik, M. & Berg, P. G. (red.) (2014). Densification as a Planning strategy – Theme Issue. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, No 2. 206 ss.
Hedfors, P. (2014). Tropism and tectonics: Fundamental principles of space formation. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 9 (2), ss. 64-71.
Hedfors, P. & Gräslund, B. (2014). Landscape Manipulation in the Baltic Sea Region in 200-300 ad - Tracing influences of the Roman culture on Garden Art in Scandinavia? I: Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) Restoration, reconstruction and development of cultural, industrial and natural landscapes, International Conference Proceedings from St Petersburg, Ryssland, 10-13 juni 2014, ss. 44-45.
Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) (2014). Restoration, reconstruction and development of cultural, industrial and natural landscapes. International Conference Proceedings, St. Petersburg, Ryssland, 10-13 juni 2014, St. Petersburg; Publishing House of Polytechnic University.
Ignatieva, M. (2014). Low impact design (LID) as an important tool for urban biodiversity improvement. Northern European peculiarities. I: Cities and Waters - Conservation, Restoration and Biodiversity, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference in Urban Biodiversity and Design, 9-12 oktober 2014, Incheon, Korea.
Ignatieva, M. (2014). Lawn as ecological and cultural global phenomenon: searching for sustainable lawns in Sweden. I: Cities and Waters - Conservation, Restoration and Biodiversity, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference in Urban Biodiversity and Design, 9-12 oktober 2014, Incheon, Korea.
Ignatieva, M. (2014). Biodiversity as a tool for sustainable landscape design. I: Cities and Waters - Conservation, Restoration and Biodiversity, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference in Urban Biodiversity and Design, 9-12 oktober 2014, Incheon, Korea.
Ignatieva, M. (2014). Why do we love lawns so much? Swedish alternative to “green carpets”. Urban, 2, ss. 66-75.
Ignatieva, M. & Berg, P. G. (2014). Hammarby is a new model of ecological settlements. Urban, 3, ss. 49-55.
Namuganyi, L. & Johansson, R. (2014). Constructing Alternative Spatialities in Kampala City. I: García Mira, R. & Dumitru, A. (red.) Urban Sustainability Innovative Spaces, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities, ss. 273-290, A Coruña; Institute of Psychosocial Studies and Research, Iaps.
Xiu, N. (2014). European-Asian Cross-referencing Landscape - A Case Study in Sweden. I: Landscape Culture – Culturing Landscapes. The Differentiated Construction of Landscapes, Proceedings from Multicultural Landscapes: International concepts of landscape & culturally diverse perception, use and values of space and landscape, i Kassel, Tyskland, 10-11 oktober 2013, ss. 199-206.
Xiu, N. (2014). Shanshui (Mountain Water): Symbolism in Chinese and Scandinavian Landscape. Restoration, reconstruction and development of cultural, industrial and natural landscapes. I: Ignatieva, M. & Melnichuk, I. (red.) Restoration, reconstruction and development of cultural, industrial and natural landscapes, International Conference Proceedings, St Petersburg, Ryssland, 10-13 juni 2014.
Bruno Santesson, universitetsadjunkt, +4618672519, +46702501165
Skicka e-post till: bruno.santesson@slu.se